
something about "make out"

make out
我们经常会在美剧中听到"make out"这样的发音。起码我是经常听到的啦。
最近一次,是在Heroes S3E23中听到的。当时的语境是:Angela的妹妹Alice对她说,是否要和那些男孩子们"make out"。Angela当时很吃惊的说道,NO! Don't think like that.
当时令我十分的吃惊的是下面的中文字幕竟然对"make out"一句,打出了“你是否要和他们出去调查?”!!无语中……
很明显的,我的point并不是要对字幕组同学们的工作指手画脚如此这般。在这里,我主要想say something about "make out".
先引用一段Wiki中对于"make out"的解释:

In human sexuality, making out is a sexual euphemism[1] of American origin dating back to at least 1949, and is used synonymously with the terms "necking" and "petting".[2] Making out covers a wide range of sexual behaviors,[3] and means different things to different age groups in different parts of the U.S.[1] It typically involves kissing,[4] including prolonged, passionate kissing (also known as French kissing), intimate contact, including heavy petting, that is, skin-to-skin contact,[1] or other forms of foreplay.[5] Making out is usually considered an expression of affection or sexual attraction to a current or prospective sexual partner. An episode of making out is frequently referred to as a make-out session or a make-out sesh depending on the speaker's vernacular.

Studies indicate that at the beginning of the 20th century, premarital sex increased, and with it, petting behavior in the 1920s and 1930s. By the postwar period, necking and petting became accepted behaviors as long as the partners were dating.[6]

The perceived significance of making out may be affected by the age and relative sexual experience of the participants. Teenagers sometimes play party games in which making out is the main activity as an act of exploration. Games in this category include Seven Minutes in Heaven and Spin the Bottle. Teenagers are also known to have social gatherings in which making out is the predominant event. In the United States, these events were referred to as "make-out parties" and would sometimes be confined to a specific area called the "make-out room."

ok啦,上面已经写的很详细了。为了"make out",我还专门查了Google翻译,但是里面并没有涉及到这个美国流行的词汇的解释。现在美国,"make out"的确是一个十分流行的词语。在中文中,我们可以把它理解为"necking""petting"的意思,也就是亲吻,爱抚,甚至是前戏。但是还不涉及到sexual intercourse,也就是还没有到have sex的地步。
以上还提到了sexual intercourse,这同样是一个很流行的词汇。也就是我们平时说的have sex或是真的fuck。

好啦,以上都是一些我个人的理解啦。在看看Wiki中对于"make out"描述的最后一段,里面提到了两个在美国青少年中甚为流行的游戏:Seven Minutes in Heaven and Spin the Bottle。有兴趣的朋友就直接点进去看看吧。很有趣的游戏,哎,生活在美国的青少年们,how lucky you guys are!

